Monday, January 13, 2014

Keeping it Real in 2014

I have been hemming and hawing about starting a blog ever since I decided that this year, 2014, the year that I shall turn THIRTY (yeah 30), is gonna be the year that I finally grow a pair and give up my Peter Pan ways. I have so much time on my hands at the moment, but that's the trouble you see. When your a single 29 year old woman living in rural Ireland there really isn't much to do. Nothing happens. UNLESS, of course, you head down to "...where everybody knows, your naaame..." There's always plenty of inspiration down there. If I was clever or talented, I would so make an amazing sitcom, write a short story or a song about my favourite little rural Irish pub that inhabits some of the most interesting characters I have come across in my life. Alas, the hard hitting truth, that sometimes doesn't hit us till later in life, is that we're not all meant to be great writers, musicians or artists. Some of us are just regular Joe's lookin' to find peace of mind through some sort of outlet. Blogging might just be mine, who knows. So, with a clear head, a new year and a new decade of my life soon approaching, I'm giving this a go.

I probably won't blow your minds with my writing skills here, but I  need an outlet to share what is inspiring me at the moment because if I don't I will just keep reading articles on Vice (wishing I was an investigative journalist who lived in Williamsburg) and watching reruns of "The Office". I have developed a crush on Dwight by the way (what is wrong with me?).

I'm not so sure what the theme (theme?) of this blog is gonna be, but I guess I will just share with you who may be interested stuff that I reading, watching, listening to and maybe a bit about health, exercise and diet. In fact, I'm predicting I will start fitness regime and blog about it at some point. I will also probably quit smoking again and blog about that too at some point.

So, with that in mind, I leave you with my new (but old) favourite song of the moment and a bit of an ode to my old haunt. Enjoy.